Bouquet of assorted roses made from a range of white, pink and red ..You can surprise that special someone at home or at your workplace. Barnaflor will deliver this delicate bouquet through its own distribution service.
A dozen roses is a wise choice for any occasion. This classic is made with 50 centimeter roses that are accompanied with greens and other various ornamental elements.
Do not notice your absence!Send a cake at home. It will be the best way to share "sweet" moments with yours.Bringing a cake with a beautiful flower arrangement can be the perfect gift.
Beautiful bouquet of 35 red roses, elaborated in a compact way. This spectacular bouquet of roses, will cause impact and surprise your relatives in Barcelona.
Uno de nuestros cestos de flores más solicitado. Los clientes más románticos eligen este arreglo de colores suaves y flores elegantes. Los colores púrpura tienen gran intensidad, son ideales para acompañar mensajes profundos, deseos sinceros. Nuestra intención es hacer llegar estas intenciones con una perfecta combinación de rosas, gerberas, limonium ...
Delivery in Barcelona of a lilac Phalaenopsis of two flower sticks and EXTRA quality. Phalaenopsis is a very precious orchid variety. Its exotic appearance and its pink and lilac colors make it a very special gift.
Of all the varieties of Orquidea Phalaenopsis, the white one stands out for its elegance. Giving an orchid to someone who lives in Barcelona is always a very successful option.
Round bouquet made with fresh pink flowers: gerberas, roses, alstroemeria ... and other seasonal species.The bouquet is finished with a structure that collects the set as if it were a nest.
Ha llegado una princesa a vuestras vidas ¡Vamos a celebrarlo! Si no puedes estar a su lado, envía junto a unas flores este divertido globo de helio. Su sinuoso y discreto movimiento recordará tu imaginaria presencia.
Entrega en Barcelona, de este centro de 15 rosas multicolor, con colores variados y contrastados, tipo arco iris. Un centro de rosas alegre y divertido.
This variety of bromeliad is a very funny and special plant. It has an inflorescence of very bright colors and that makes it an ideal plant to break the boredom of spaces. In Barnaflor we deliver it accompanied by a pot of color similar to that of its flowers, which can be red, orange or yellow.
Bouquet of white daisies, delivered in Barcelona. White daisies, are flowers very appreciated by our customers, and undoubtedly symbolize purity, true love and friendship.
La rosa preservada o eterna, es una rosa que apenas recién cortada, ha sufrido un tratamiento 100% natural que garantiza la durabilidad y preservación.